Ship Hector Passenger List by Surname

Search: Tip- use ' MacDonald, John ' to find Full Name(s) or ' MacDonald ' to find Last Name(s).

Surname: Cameron

Husband: Cameron, Alexander
Date of Birth: 1728
Deceased: Aug 15, 1831
Wife: Ross, Janet
Date of Birth: 1745
Deceased: 1831
Cameron, Alexander
Born: 1768
Deceased: Oct 26, 1835
Cameron, Janet
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1831


Alexander was a witness to the Battle of Culloden at the age of 17, where his brothers fought.  Alexander and his family settled at Loch Broom, Pictou County.  He died at the age of 103 and is buried at Durham Cemetery.   Nickname was "Big Alex";  daughter Janet Cameron was not listed as a child under 2 on passenger list.

Additional children of Alexander & Janet: Christian (1775-1848); Donald (1776-1791); John (1779-1838); Lilias (1781-1842); Roderick (1782-1867); Duncan (1785-1870); Margaret (1787-1860); Annabel (1789-1859); Katherine or Kate; Grace, Christiana


Alexander Cameron gravestone at Durham Cemetery

Alexander Cameron gravestone at Durham Cemetery

Children and spouses of Alexander and Janet

Children and spouses of Alexander and Janet

Surname: Cameron

Husband: Cameron, Donald
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1800
Wife: MacDonald, Mary
Date of Birth:
Cameron, Mary
Born: 2-8 years
Cameron, John
Born: Under 2 years
Cameron, Hugh
Born: Under 2 years


From Inverness-shire, Scotland; Donald received a land grant in 1775,  he is reported to have drowned in the East River in 1800, and his widow and children moved to Antigonish County.  Was apparently the only Catholic on board the Hector.

Surname: Campbell

Passenger: Campbell, James
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector; may have gone to Londonderry, Colchester County.  There is also a James Campbell who settled in Stanley, Hants County.  Descendants of this James Campbell have not been able to confirm if he is the same James Campbell who was aboard the Hector.

Surname: Campbell

Passenger: Campbell, Sara
Date of Birth:


 Quite likely mistaken for Marian Campbell, wife of Alexander Fraser

Surname: Chisholm

Passenger: Chisholm, Archibald
Date of Birth: 1757
Deceased: 1810


Single man on Hector; settled on East River, Pictou County, NS; reported to have been a soldier in the 84th regiment; based on death information he would have been 16 while a passenger on the Hector; Married Mary Ross; Children: Alexander; Isabel (1788- ?); Margaret (1790- ); Hannah (1829-1855)

Surname: Douglas

Husband: Douglas, Colin
Date of Birth: 1731
Deceased: 1801
Wife: MacLean, Catherine
Date of Birth: 1745
Deceased: 1818
Douglas, Margaret
Born: 1760
Deceased: 1830
Douglas, Alexander
Born: 1771


Two of his children died on the Hector voyage of smallpox; 2 children survived; settled at Middle River, Pictou County.

Additional children: John; Mary (1786-?)


1786 Land request to NS Government

1786 Land request to NS Government

Surname: Falconer

Passenger: Falconer, Alexander
Date of Birth: 1752
Deceased: 1812


Name also spelled Faulkner;

Settled near Hopewell, Pictou County; Married Margaret McDonald; children: Duncan (1780-1870); Margaret (1785-1864); John (1796-1841); Alexander (1798-1851); Isabel; Janet; James

Surname: Forbes

Passenger: Forbes, Mary
Date of Birth:


Niece of Donald MacDonald, married William MacLeod; child Margaret MacLeod

Surname: Fraser

Husband: Fraser, Alexander
Date of Birth: 1728
Deceased: 1803
Wife: Campbell, Marian or Marreon
Date of Birth: 1733
Deceased: 1798
Fraser, Alexander
Born: 1758
Deceased: 1828
Fraser, Hugh
Born: 1769
Deceased: 1861
Fraser, Simon
Born: 1763
Deceased: 1808
Fraser, Catherine
Born: 1766
Deceased: 1823
Fraser, Isabella
Born: 1767


Alexander was known as Lovat or Big Alex.  Two of his brothers were killed at the Battle of Culloden. His wife Marian Campbell was the youngest daughter of the Laird of Skreigh, Inverness-shire.   Listed on the passenger list as Sara Campbell. More info in Pictonians at Home and Abroad, by Rev MacPhie.  A son David was born shortly after the arrival of the Hector in Pictou, in 1773, who became a sea captain.  Hugh (1769) was not listed on passenger list.

Youngest son was born in Pictou: William (1775-1848)

Surname: Fraser

Passenger: Fraser, Charles
Date of Birth: 1748
Deceased: 1811


Boarded the Hector as a single man in Glasgow.  After arrival, left Pictou and lived in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia.  He returned to Pictou County and settled at Fisher's Grant. He married Ann and had 4 children: Nancy (1776-1854); John (1787- ?); Donald (1789-?); Christian (1792-? )

Charles and his wife Ann (1755-1825) are buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Pictou, NS


Surname: Fraser

Husband: Fraser, Hugh
Date of Birth: 1741
Deceased: 1826
Wife: McPherson, Sophia
Date of Birth: 1743
Deceased: 1800
Fraser, Jane
Born: 1762
Deceased: 1856
Fraser, Mary
Born: 1765
Deceased: 1849
Fraser, Donald
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1849
Fraser, John
Born: 1766
Deceased: 1850


Hugh's wife was Sophia McPherson however, she was not on the passenger list. Rebecca Patterson was listed as his wife, however, no information has been found about Rebecca.  Sophia & Rebecca are the same name in Gaelic so she could have been recorded on the passenger list as Rebecca.  Perhaps an error re her last name.

Son John (1766-1850) was born in Scotland and came to Pictou after the Hector, as he had smallpox when they sailed in 1773.  Hugh and family settled in East River, MacLellan's Brook.

Children of Hugh & Sophia born in Pictou County: Alexander (1774-1829); Margaret (1775-1854) Ann/Nancy (1782-1868) & Sophia (1781-1872), and Hugh.



Gravestone at Pioneer Cemetery, New Glasgow

Gravestone at Pioneer Cemetery, New Glasgow

Original gravestone

Original gravestone

Surname: Fraser

Husband: Fraser, Hugh
Date of Birth: 1753
Deceased: 1803
Wife: MacKenzie, Magdalen
Date of Birth: 1749
Deceased: 1826


From Invernesshire, settled in West River, buried at Durham Cemetery, farmer.

Children of Hugh and Magdalen: James (1777-1853); Archibald (1779-1807); Donald (1780-1851); Ann (1786- ?)


Hugh Fraser gravestone at Durham Cemetery

Hugh Fraser gravestone at Durham Cemetery

Durham Cemetery

Durham Cemetery

Surname: Fraser

Husband: Fraser, Kenneth
Date of Birth: 1737
Deceased: 1792
Wife: MacKay, Catherine
Date of Birth:
Fraser, Alexander
Born: 1766
Deceased: 1843
Fraser, James
Born: 1769


Family genealogy information indicates that Kenneth Fraser was married to Jane Gordon, and his second wife was Catherine MacKay who came on the Hector with sons Alexander and James.  James Fraser was not listed on passenger list.  Family first went to Londonderry, Colchester County, then returned to Pictou County, first Middle River, then Greenhill.

Additional children of Kenneth & Catherine born in Pictou County: Thomas (1775-1856); John (1779-1829); William (1782-1872); Nancy Jean (1785- ); Donald D (1787-1878); Anne (1787-?)


Placard at Hector Heritage Quay

Placard at Hector Heritage Quay

Surname: Fraser

Passenger: Fraser, Mrs. Margaret
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1798
Fraser, Jean or Jane
Born: 1773
Deceased: 1839


Widow Mrs. Margaret Fraser boarded the Hector 8 months pregnant.  Sometime during the Hector voyage, she delivered a daughter she named Jean/Jane and they went to Truro, where Mrs. Fraser married Nathaniel Polly and had 3 more children: John (1776-?); Elizabeth (1777-1838); Hannah (1781-1862).  May have been other children with Mrs Fraser, to be confirmed.

Jean married David Page and had 7 sons in Truro: James (1796-1868); John (1797-1857); David (1799-1876); Thomas (1801-1879); Amos (1803-1895); William (1804-1865) Benjamin (1810-1882). 

Jean is buried in Truro, NS; Mrs Margaret Polly's grave location in unknown.


Jean/Jane Fraser Page Silhouette

Jean/Jane Fraser Page Silhouette

Surname: Fraser

Passenger: Fraser, Thomas
Date of Birth: 1760?


Little is known re Thomas, may have been son of widow Margaret Fraser

Surname: Fraser

Husband: Fraser, William
Date of Birth:
Wife: Smith, Ann
Date of Birth:
Fraser, William
Born: 1765


From Sutherlandshire, Scotland; in 1774 the family was living in Londonderry Township, Colchester County.  Later lived in Merigomish 1792; Scotch Hill in 1830; 2 sons born in Pictou, David & William

Surname: Graham

Passenger: Graham, Donald
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector, apparently from Sutherlandshire, Scotland; no information has been found on this passenger

Surname: Grant

Husband: Grant, Donald
Date of Birth:
Wife: MacDonald, Catherine
Date of Birth:
Grant, John


According to The History of Antigonish, by Rev D.J. Rankin, "Donald Grant and Catherine MacDonald came to Pictou on the Ship Hector, but went to Prince Edward Island where they lived for twelve years before settling in Knoydart, Antigonish County. They had one son who was eight years old when they came from Scotland, and another who was a "deaf mute" was left with relatives in Scotland..... The boy who came over from Scotland with his parents was named John."   According to this account, there were two daughters born in PEI.  Son John married Catherine MacDonald.  Donald Grant's wife Catherine MacDonald is not listed on the passenger list, and so it is unclear if he was single or married when he arrived on the Hector.

Surname: Grant

Husband: Grant, James
Date of Birth: 1725
Deceased: 1822
Wife: Grant, Jennet
Date of Birth: 1730
Deceased: 1835
Grant, John
Born: 1758
Grant, Alexander
Born: 1769
Deceased: 1848
Grant, Jane
Born: Under 2 years
Grant, Margaret
Born: 2-8 years
Grant, Mary
Born: 2-8 years


Known as "Miller",  originally went to Windsor, NS where he and wife had 2 sons; returned to Caribou, Pictou County, then settled on East River, Pictou County. He built a grist mill, a sawmill and a carding mill.  James Grant and his descendants are known as the "Millstream Grants" referencing the location where he settled.

Wife is not listed, son Alexander is listed as over 8 years, but more likely was 2 to 8 years;  Additional children born in Pictou County, NS:  Robert (1775-1842); & Duncan (1780-1847). 

Surname: Innes

Husband: Innes, Robert
Date of Birth: 1752
Wife: Munro, Janet
Date of Birth: 1750
Innes, Sarah
Born: 1771
Deceased: 1819
Innes, Duncan
Born: 1772


Family settled in Minudie, Cumberland County.  Sarah was not on passenger list.  3 additional children born in Nova Scotia: Eleanor (1777-1809); Christiana (1780-?); Jane (1783-1841).  Sarah married Robert Christie and had 11 children.

Surname: Lyon

Passenger: Lyon, Robert
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector; no information

Surname: MacConnell

Passenger: MacConnell, George
Date of Birth: 1748
Deceased: 1822


Single man, boarded at Greenock, settled in West River and Meadowville, Pictou County. Was Innkeeper in West River.       Married Janet Stewart (1759-1807) and they had 9 children: David (1782-1804); John (1784-1837); William "Robert" (17887-1844); Elizabeth (1789-1818); James (1790-?); William Smith (1791-?); Jean or Janet (1791-1877); Stewart Steele (1793-1883); Mary

Surname: MacDonald

Husband: MacDonald, Alexander
Date of Birth:
Wife: Fraser, Ann
Date of Birth:
MacDonald, James
Born: Under 2 years
MacDonald, Hugh
Born: Under 2 years


No information found on this couple

Surname: MacDonald

Husband: MacDonald, Donald
Date of Birth: 1739
Deceased: 1821
Wife: MacLean, Mary
Date of Birth: 1742
Deceased: 1811
MacDonald, Mary or Marion
Born: 1763
Deceased: 1849
MacDonald, Nancy
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1774


Family settled in Middle River, Pictou County, NS.  Child Nancy died the winter after arrival.   A niece Mary Forbes was also on the Hector who married William MacLeod.  Children born in Pictou County, NS: John (1773-1831); Donald MacLean (1783-1833); 


Donald MacDonald profile

Donald MacDonald profile

Surname: MacDonald

Passenger: MacDonald, James
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector

Surname: MacDonald

Passenger: MacDonald, John
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector

Surname: MacDonald

Husband: MacDonald, William
Date of Birth: 1756
Deceased: 1828
Wife: Patterson, Ann
Date of Birth:
MacDonald, James
Born: over 8 years
MacDonald, Andrew
Born: 2-8 years
MacDonald, Elizabeth
Born: 2-8 years
MacDonald, Janet
Born: 2-8 years
MacDonald, Catherin
Born: 2-8 years
MacDonald, Ann
Born: under 2 years


There are No Notes Available at this time.

Surname: MacGregor

Husband: MacGregor, John
Date of Birth:
Wife: MacKitchi, Margaret
Date of Birth:


No information about this couple

Surname: MacKay

Husband: MacKay, Colin
Date of Birth: 1730
Deceased: 1804
Wife: Fraser, Helin
Date of Birth:
MacKay, Alexander
Born: 1771
MacKay, Colin
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1850
MacKay, John
Born: 2-8 years
MacKay, Rodrick
Born: 2-8 years


Family from Inverness-shire; Settled on the East River; Need to confirm Rodrick and John as children; Colin is possible cousin of William MacKay; He was a Sergeant in the 78th Fraser Highlander Regiment; fought at Louisbourg and in Quebec on the Plains of Abraham; Additional child James born in Pictou County, NS

Surname: MacKay

Passenger: MacKay, Donald
Date of Birth: 1750
Deceased: 1826


Single man on the Hector; brother to Roderick MacKay; later married Christina Fraser (1750-1826)  Children born in Pictou County, NS: Joseph (1784-?); Donald (1784-?); Roderick (1786-1878); James John (1788-?); Samuel (1790-?); Hugh (1791-?); John (1791-?); Alexander (1795-1878); William (1797-1872)

Surname: MacKay

Husband: MacKay, John
Date of Birth:
Wife: MacLeod, Marion
Date of Birth:
MacKay, William
Born: 2-8 years
MacKay, George
Born: 2-8 years
MacKay, Ann
Born: Under 2 years


There are No Notes Available at this time.

Surname: MacKay

Husband: MacKay, Roderick
Date of Birth: 1746
Deceased: 1829
Wife: Grant, Christiana
Date of Birth: 1753
Deceased: 1818
MacKay, Ann
Born: 1773


Roderick MacKay was a brother of Donald MacKay who was a single man on the Hector.  Daughter Ann MacKay on the Hector married Rev James McGregor in 1796.  Christiana and Roderick had additional children: Christina (1774-?); Catherine (1775-1861); Hannah (1777-1810); John (1779-1855); Roderick (1780-?); Hannah (1781-?); Elizabeth (1788-?); Robert (1789-1864); Isabella (1793-1836); James MacGregor (1795-1825)

Surname: MacKay

Husband: MacKay, William
Date of Birth: 1732
Deceased: 1828
Wife: Fraser (Forbes), Janet
Date of Birth: 1736
Deceased: 1814
MacKay, Donald
Born: 1750
Deceased: 1826
MacKay, Alexander
Born: 1766
Deceased: 1849
MacKay, James
Born: 1770
Deceased: 1822
MacKay, Flora
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1846


William MacKay was from Inverness-shire, and settled on the East River, Pictou County.  He was known as Squire and was credited with documenting the Ship Hector passenger list.  Additional children born in Pictou County, NS: Sarah (1775-1812); John "Collier"; Isabella; William (?-1851)

Surname: MacKay (McCabe)

Passenger: MacKay (McCabe), William
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1828


After arrival in Pictou, he went to work for James McCabe (Betsey passenger) and adopted his name McCabe; William drowned in the East River while crossing the harbour in a canoe in 1828.  Married Isabella Chisholm in 1800 and had 7 children in Pictou, NS: John (1801-1869);  Andrew; George; William; Mary Ann; Catherine; Eleanor

Surname: MacKenzie

Husband: MacKenzie, Alexander
Date of Birth:
Wife: Sutherland, Mary
Date of Birth:
MacKenzie, Kenneth
Born: 2-8 years
MacKenzie, Jane
Born: 2-8 years


From Sutherlandshire

Surname: MacKenzie

Passenger: MacKenzie, Alexander
Date of Birth:


Single man from Sutherlandshire on the Hector

Surname: MacKenzie

Husband: MacKenzie, Angus
Date of Birth: 1754
Deceased: 1826
Wife: McKay, Margaret
Date of Birth:


From Inverness-shire; married in Windsor, NS; settled in Greenhill, Pictou County, NS

Angus' birthdate estimated from gravestone


Angus McKenzie gravestone

Angus McKenzie gravestone

Surname: MacKenzie

Husband: MacKenzie, Colin
Date of Birth: 1721
Deceased: 1825
Wife: MacKenzie, Isabel
Date of Birth: 1746
MacKenzie, Duncan
Born: 1769
Deceased: 1869
MacKenzie, Colin
Born: 1771
MacKenzie, Katherine
Born: 2-8 years


Settled in East River;  Listed as MacKenzie on passenger list, descendants use McKenzie.  Isabel MacKenzie was listed with her married name, maiden name was Robertson;  Duncan MacKenzie was not listed on passenger list.  Additional children born in Pictou County, NS: Christina or Christy (1780-1832); Margaret (1783-1870); Murdock (1787-1850); Kenneth & Jane.   Colin lived to the age of 104. 


Duncan MacKenzie gravestone

Duncan MacKenzie gravestone

1786 Land grant request

1786 Land grant request

Duncan MacKenzie, Hector passenger

Duncan MacKenzie, Hector passenger

Surname: MacKenzie

Husband: MacKenzie, Donald
Date of Birth: 1747
Deceased: 1836
Wife: Sutherland, Betty
Date of Birth:
MacKenzie, Kenneth
Born: 2-8 years
MacKenzie, Ann
Born: 2-8 years
MacKenzie, Elizabeth
Born: Under 2 years
MacKenzie, William
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1834


From Sutherlandshire; settled in Middle River or Burnside; passenger list has child as Adam, should be Ann.  Additional children born in Pictou County, NS: Donald (1789-?); Hector; Norman

Surname: MacKenzie

Passenger: MacKenzie, John
Date of Birth:


Single man on the Hector; settled in Upper Hopewell, married with 2 children

Surname: MacKenzie

Passenger: MacKenzie, William
Date of Birth: 1755
Deceased: 1843


Known as the schoolmaster of the group; moved to Liverpool, NS where he married Kezia Peach; returned to Pictou County, where he settled at Loch Broom.  Two children with Kezia: Alexander (1794-1877) and Mary Ann (1810-1873). 

Surname: MacKitchi

Passenger: MacKitchi, Kenneth
Date of Birth:
MacKitchi, James
Born: 2-8 years


No information has been found on this passenger

Surname: MacLean

Passenger: MacLean, Alexander
Date of Birth: 1741
Deceased: 1825


Single man on Hector, settled on East River next to passenger Colin McKenzie;  first wife was named Margaret Fraser, second wife was Janet MacLean.  Buried at Pioneer Cemetery, New Glasgow, NS

Surname: MacLeod

Husband: MacLeod, Alexander
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1775
Wife: MacLeod, Elspa
Date of Birth: 1745
Deceased: 1804
MacLeod, Donald
Born: Under 2 years
Deceased: 1819


After Alexander died in 1775 by drowning in the Shubenacadie River, his widow Elspa married Hugh MacLeod, who was Alexander's brother.  Hugh's wife died on the Hector voyage.  Two additional sons were James & Hugh.


Surname: MacLeod

Husband: MacLeod, Finlay
Date of Birth:
Wife: MacLean, Margaret
Date of Birth:
MacLeod, Jennet
Born: Under 2 years
MacLeod, William
Born: Under 2 years


There are No Notes Available at this time.

Surname: MacLeod

Husband: MacLeod, Hugh
Date of Birth: 1728
Deceased: 1801
Wife: MacKay, Christian
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1773
MacLeod, David
Born: Over 8 years
MacLeod, Mary
Born: 1760
Deceased: 1851


Christian died on the Hector voyage.  Hugh remarried in 1775, Elspa MacLeod, the widow of Hugh's brother (Alexander, Hector passenger).   Reported to have had 3 daughters on the Hector, names were Mary and two others, not known.  Hugh & Elspa had a son David (1781-1851)

Surname: MacLeod

Husband: MacLeod, James
Date of Birth: 1739
Deceased: 1819
Wife: Urquhart, Christian
Date of Birth:


There are No Notes Available at this time.

Surname: MacLeod

Husband: MacLeod, William
Date of Birth:
Wife: MacKay, Mary
Date of Birth:
MacLeod, Katherine
Born: 2-8 years
MacLeod, Angus
Born: 2-8 years
MacLeod, George
Born: 2-8 years
MacLeod, Marion
Born: 2-8 years


No family information

Surname: Main

Husband: Main, Andrew
Date of Birth:
Wife: Gibson, Jane
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1773
Main, Andrew
Born: Under 2 years


Jane Gibson died on the voyage;

After their arrival, Andrew and Andrew Jr left Pictou County, and walked to Londonderry, Colchester County.  Years later, Andrew crossed the Cobequid Bay and settled at Noel Shore.  He remarried while in Londonderry, a woman named Jane Hamilton and they had an additional 6 children: Jenny (circa 1784-1856): John (1786-1869); Robert (1799-1873) James (1802-1876); Martha, David and Mary. At least one child did not accompany him on the Hector voyage.  Some sources say he married a woman with last name McLellan without issue, probably his second wife.

Many descendants are buried at the Noel Shore "Main Cemetery";



Noel Shore

Noel Shore "Main" Cemetery

1786 Deed

1786 Deed

Surname: Matheson

Passenger: Matheson, Charles
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector, name on passenger list is Mathewson. No information has been found on this passenger.

Surname: Matheson

Husband: Matheson, William
Date of Birth: 1739
Deceased: 1828
Wife: MacKenzie, Elspa
Date of Birth: 1737
Deceased: 1828
Matheson, Ann
Born: 1769
Deceased: 1836
Matheson, John
Born: 1772
Deceased: 1838


From Sutherlandshire; then went to Londonderry, Colchester County before returning to Pictou County; settled in Greenhill.  Daughter Ann (or Nancy) married John Rogers (of Rogers Hill), Pictou County. John married Jean Fraser. Additional children born to William and Elspa: William (1774-1860); Mary (1801-1880); James

Mathewson was the family name on the passenger list, commonly known as Matheson among descendants


Ann/Nancy Matheson Rogers gravestone

Ann/Nancy Matheson Rogers gravestone

Surname: McLellan

Passenger: McLellan, John
Date of Birth: 1735
Deceased: 1829


Single man on Hector; with brothers William and possibly James.  Surname was also spelled McLennan; settled in area known as McLellan's Brook.   Married Jane McDougall, children: Donald (1783-1863); Margaret (1784-1877); Christy or Christian (1790-1871) and Mary

Surname: Mclellan

Passenger: Mclellan, William
Date of Birth: 1748
Deceased: 1830


Single man on Hector; brother to John McLellan; settled at McLellan's brook which was named after the McLellan brothers.  Married Margaret and had children: Donald (1787-1807); John (1789-1863); William (1790-1791); William (1794-1873); Daniel or Donald (1806-1883); James; Duncan; Mary; Janet & Margaret.  Died at West River, buried at Durham Pioneer Cemetery, Pictou County, NS


William McLellan gravestone at Durham Cemetery

William McLellan gravestone at Durham Cemetery

Surname: Morrison

Husband: Morrison, George
Date of Birth: 1739
Deceased: 1817
Wife: Forbes, Jane
Date of Birth: 1739
Deceased: 1817
Morrison, Helen
Born: Under 2 years
Morrison, Ellen
Born: 1770
Deceased: 1822


George Morrison boarded the Hector at Greenock, Scotland.  A son Hector is on the passenger list, which seems to have been an error.  His daughter Ellen (Helen) was not listed but it is well documented that his daughter married soldier David Ballantyne, soldier in the 82nd regiment, received a grant of 200 acres and settled at Ballantyne Cove, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia. 

Have not found any evidence of a son Hector.

Surname: Munro

Passenger: Munro, Donald
Date of Birth:


On Hector as single man; went to Halifax and married and had son Henry; later settled around West Branch, East River, Pictou County

Surname: Munro

Passenger: Munro, John
Date of Birth:


No information has been found on this passenger

Surname: Murray

Husband: Murray, James
Date of Birth: 1728
Wife: Sutherland, Lilly
Date of Birth: 1738
Deceased: 1825
Murray, Margaret
Born: 1756
Murray, Adam
Born: 1758
Deceased: 1830
Murray, Abigail
Born: 1759
Deceased: 1825
Murray, Christian
Born: 1765
Murray, George
Born: 1765
Deceased: 1845
Murray, Elizabeth
Born: 1771
Deceased: 1816


Upon arrival went to Londonderry, Colchester County with 6 children who were aboard the Hector.

Surname: Murray

Husband: Murray, Walter
Date of Birth: 1735
Deceased: 1812
Wife: Sutherland, Christiann
Date of Birth: 1757
Deceased: 1839
Murray, Elizabeth
Born: 1771


From Sutherlandshire; settled on East River, then to Barney's River, near Merigomish, Pictou County.  Additional children born in Pictou County, NS included: Janet/Jennet (1775-1792); Christina or Christy (1780-1859); David Ian (1781-1867); Catherine (1782-1864); William (1784-1855); Margaret or Peggy (1788-1849); Christiana (1790-?). Buried at Murray Point Cemetery, Nova Scotia

Surname: Patterson

Passenger: Patterson, John
Date of Birth: 1748
Deceased: 1808


Single man on Hector from Greenock,  known as "founder of Pictou Town", known as Old Deacon.   Later married Ann Harris (Betsey passenger) and had a family of 11 children: John (1783-1847); Matthew (1785-1858); Walter (1787-1821); Abraham or Abram (1789-1867); George Stewart (1792-1821); Alexander (1794-1816); James Ross (1796-1816); Margaret (1798-1818); Archibald (1800-1821); Robert Harris (1803-1823); Ann (1808-1888).

John is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Pictou, NS

Surname: Patterson

Passenger: Patterson, Rebecca
Date of Birth:


LIsted as wife of Hugh Fraser but this was found to be incorrect

Surname: Ross

Husband: Ross, Alexander
Date of Birth:
Wife: MacLeod, Isabel
Date of Birth:
Ross, Alexander
Born: Over 8 years
Ross, Donald
Born: Over 8 years
Ross, Catherin
Born: 2-8 years
Ross, Mary
Born: 2-8 years


From Inverness-shire; settled at Middle River

Surname: Ross

Husband: Ross, Alexander
Date of Birth:
Deceased: 1791
Wife: Matheson, Mary
Date of Birth:
Ross, Marion
Born: Over 8 years
Ross, William
Born: Over 8 years
Ross, Walter
Born: 2-8 years
Ross, Alexander
Born: 2-8 years
Ross, Christian
Born: 2-8 years
Ross, Donald
Born: 2-8 years
Ross, Catherine
Born: Under 2 years


May be the Alexander Ross buried in Alma cemetery, d 1791.

Surname: Ross

Passenger: Ross, William
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector

Surname: Sim or Sims or Sym

Passenger: Sim or Sims or Sym, Robert
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector, may have moved to St. Andrews, New Brunswick, could be related to Margaret Sym, a passenger. 

Is listed on a deed recorded in Pictou in June 1796 re a transaction between Robert Sims of St. Andrews, of New Brunswick, merchant to John Ross, Esq....

Surname: Stewart

Passenger: Stewart, John
Date of Birth:


Single man on Hector, boarded at Greenock

Surname: Sutherland

Passenger: Sutherland, John
Date of Birth:
Sutherland, William
Born: Under 2 years


Originally went to Windsor, NS, later settled at Sutherlands River, named for him.  Married Mary Grant (daughter of James Grant, Hector passenger) and had 4 more children.

Surname: Sym or Sim or Sims

Passenger: Sym or Sim or Sims, Margaret
Date of Birth:


The book Rawdon & Douglas: Two Loyalist Townships in Nova Scotia by John V Duncanson, indicates that Elizabeth Rogers, the daughter of William & Margaret (Sims) Rogers, married Robert Faulkner at Londonderry, Colchester County.  It states "Margaret Sims arrived at Pictou, NS on the ship Hector".  Another source Planters and Grantees of Cobequid, Nova Scotia, 1761-1780 (Vol 2) by Carol Campbell & James F Smith, 2011, lists William Rogers and his wife Margaret/Peggy.  Further research is required on Margaret Sym and William Rogers.

Surname: Urquhart

Passenger: Urquhart, David
Date of Birth: 1751


Single man on the Hector, moved to Londonderry, NS.  Married Margaret Murray, Hector passenger (1756-?) (daughter of James Murray) and had 4 children: Daniel (1773?-1852); Jennet (1776-?); Agnes or Nancy (1789-1864) and James (1790-?).  It is not known if they married in Scotland or Nova Scotia